You might have heard the phrase “alcohol abuse” at some point or the other, but do you have an idea on how it starts.

Alcohol abuse is basically a combination of social, environmental, genetic and environmental factors. Hence, when the risk factors are more at play, it becomes more likely for the individual to become an alcoholic.

Sadly, the risk factors become totally out of the control of the individual.

  1. Stress: It would interest you to know that, not everyone uses alcohol to deal with stress. However, some people do. When someone is heavily stressed, most likely at work, there is a tendency for the individual to start drinking heavily.

This is usually the case with professions such as Law and Medicine. They live stressful lives regularly, thereby increasing the risk factor of abusing alcohol.

In order to reduce this, it is best to integrate healthy methods such as reading, taking a nap, sleeping and exercising.


  1. Early age drinking: Another cause of alcohol abuse, is drinking at an early age. When someone starts drinking probably in their teenage age, there is a tendency for the individual to have an alcohol problem.

As they get older, their dependence on alcohol increases. This does not occur because it is a habit they are comfortable with; it happens because the tolerance levels of the body could increase.

  1. Mental health problems: Common mental health problems such as anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder, can enhance the risk of alcoholism.

It is very easy to make alcohol a safe haven, when there is anxiety and depression. Initially, the individual might feel that the effects of alcohol can temporarily take those feelings. However, in the long run, an addictive habit is formed.


  1. Family history: If you happen to have a loved one who is an alcoholic, the chances of you becoming one too, increases. This is where genetics comes into play, and the environment as well. When you spend ample time around people who abuse alcohol, you are likely to join in the process too.


There are various factors which play a part in alcohol abuse, and while the above points might not be seen as direct causes of alcohol abuse, they play a pivotal role in its development.

Hence, you need to know your risk factors, and do your best to reduce it to the barest minimum.

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